Chin Implants

Sometimes face fillers and other soft tissue enhancements of the face cannot adequately address volume deficiency. Specifically, when patients have congenital bony deficiency of the chin, they may be good candidates for permanent chin implants. This is a one-time procedure that can have dramatic effects on the look of the face.

Is a Chin Implant Right for You?

Chin Implant candidates often possess the several of the following characteristics:

  • Shallow chin projection
  • Poor facial balance with the nose
  • Recessed or sloping shape of chin
  • Narrow chin
  • Congenital chin irregularities

What Sets Dr. Mark Been Apart?

Dr. Been is committed to achieving natural, lasting results. Because of the importance of achieving proper facial balance, many facial proportions must be taken into account when considering implantation surgery. During your initial consultation, our state-of-the-art 3D imaging software can demonstrate how an implant may affect your overall facial appearance. It may also shed light on the need to address other areas of the face. Chin implantation is often combined with nasal, neck, and fat transplantation surgeries.

We perform this procedure in the comfort of our own surgical center, meaning you experience the utmost privacy and ease during your time with us. 

What to Expect after your Chin Implant

One of the benefits of implant surgery is that you see results immediately. There will, however, be some swelling and a tight sensation in the implanted area. Discomfort is typically mild and will dissipate over one to two weeks. Make-up can be applied immediately following surgery. Normal activities can also be resumed within a week or two. Final results generally manifest within 4-6 weeks once the swelling has dissipated.